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Select Bibliography

Teresa Avanguren, Against Erasure, Haymarket, 2024

Avanguren is a journalist based in Spain. In 1982, she covered the Israeli invasion of Lebanon as a correspondent for Mundo Obrero

Iain Boal, T.J. Clarke, Joseph Matthews, Michael Watts, Afflicted Powers, Verso, 2005

Bay Area writers and activists associated with the gathering Retort

Noam Chomsky, Fateful Triangle, Haymarket, 2015

Noam Chomsky is Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky and Ilan Pappe, On Palestine, Haymarket, 2015

Mahmoud Darwish, John Berger, ed, Mural, Verso, 2017

Mahmoud Darwish was a Palestinian poet and author who was regarded as Palestine's national poet

Mohammed El-Kurd, Rifka, Haymarket, 2021

Mohammed El-Kurd is an internationally touring and award-winning poet, writer, journalist, and organizer from Jerusalem, occupied Palestine.

Sai Englert et al, From the River to the Sea, Verso, 2024

From the River to the Sea is a collection of personal testimonies from within Gaza and the West Bank, along with essays and interviews. Englert writes about settler colonialism.

Norman Finkelstein, Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom, University of California, 2021

American political scientist and activist. His primary fields of research are the politics of the Holocaust and the Israeli-Palestine conflict. Finkelstein was born in New York City to Jewish Holocaust-survivor parents.

Norman Finkelstein, The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering, Verso, 2015

Mateo Hoke, et al, Palestine Speaks, Verso, 2015

Hoke is an award-winning writer, editor, interviewer, photographer, video producer

Rashid Khalidi, The Hundred Year’s War on Palestine, Picador, 2020

Rashid Ismail Khalidi is a Palestinian-American historian of the Middle East and the Edward Said Professor of Modern Arab Studies at Columbia University.

Rashid Khalidi, Palestinian Identity, The Construction of Modern National Consciousness, Columbia, 2009

John Mearsheimer, The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy, Holtzbrinck, 2007

John Joseph Mearsheimer is an American political scientist and international relations scholar.

Ilan Pappe, The Ethnic Cleansing of Israel, One World Publications, 2006

Ilan Pappé is an Israeli historian, political scientist, and former politician. He is a professor with the College of Social Sciences and International Studies at the University of Exeter

Ilan Pappe, Ten Myths About Israel, Verso, 2017

Bernard Regan, The Balfour Declaration: Empire, the Mandate and Resistance in Palestine, Verso, 2018

Britain, France and drawing the map of the Middle East

Andrew Ross, Stone Men: The Palestinians Who Built Israel, Verso

Andrew Ross writes about what he calls the 'sweat equity' of Palestinian laborers who were deprived by Israel's system of occupation and apartheid of their land and livelihood and pushed as a result to build Israeli housing.

Edward Said, Culture and Imperialism, Vintage, 1994

The late Edward Wadie Said was a Palestinian-American philosopher, academic, literary critic, and political activist. As a professor of literature at Columbia University, he was among the founders of post-colonial studies.

Edward Said, Orientalism, Vintage, 1979

Edward Said, The Question of Palestine, Vintage, 1992

Edward Said, The Selected Works, 1966-2006, Vintage, 2019

Shlomo Sand, The Invention of the Jewish People, Verso, 2009

Sand teaches history at the University of Tel Aviv. “Explodes the idea that there was a forced Jewish exile in the first century at the hand of the Romans.”

Maya Wind, Towers of Ivory and Steel, Verso, 2024

Wind is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Anthropology at the University of British Columbia. She investigates the reproduction of settler societies and global systems of militarism and policing.

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